Friday, March 9, 2007

First blog entry... wow

A monumentous occasion, first blog entry. Hoping this will be focused on my thoughts/opinions/reviews of NYC establishments... at least I'll try to focus it that way.
NYC is so damned huge, every living inhabitant and visitor will have his/her own personal NYC. This is mine.

Disclaimer - your patience is appreciated. I've read so many blogs, but never did one myself, and can only hope to live up to those more popular ones. I have grand views of what this will become, but for now I fumble with the awkwardness of new acquaintences. Who might have a crush on each other. And hope to impress...

Many questions clutter my mind - how much personal info to give away? How clever do I try to be, before falling flat on my face, looking merely desperate? How to format, how often can I edit and if I do so often, will it show up on the posts with "Edited on...." with every succession? Should have called this "The Work in Progress".

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